Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, STAR Academy is not currently running.
NWSRA, in collaboration with Clearbrook, is proud to present the STAR Academy After Care program! Through the collaboration, state-certified staff will lead a variety of educational, social and recreational activities after care for individuals with disabilities throughout the northwest suburbs. Participants can use Medicaid Waiver funding to help cover costs.
The program will be held throughout the entire school year and in the summer following NWSRA's Camp schedule until 6:00 pm. Transportation may be provided for students attending NSSEO, District 15, Palatine High School and Hersey High School. Transportation from all other schools within the NWSRA service area may be on a case by case basis, or parents may need to arrange transportation to the program.

Students in Therapeutic Afterschool Recreation (STAR)
Core Elements of Programming
Recreation & Leisure: Developing gross and fine motor skills, experiencing cultural arts – dance, drama, arts and music and participating in passive and active activities
Health & Wellness: Developing skills to enhance a healthy life style, improving physical health and improving self-respect and self-image
Social Skills: Expanding communication skills, enhancing interaction with peers, and developing interpersonal skills

About STAR Academy
The program, held in Rolling Meadows and Hanover Park, provides a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) and Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS) who oversees a variety of educational, social and recreational activities daily. All core elements are facilitated in a neutral and safe environment supported by staff, allowing participants to independently choose their recreational activities.
Like us on Facebook to stay tuned for more info! For more information, please contact Lauren Jevaney at 847-392-2848, ext. 246 or e-mail laurenj@nwsra.org to sign up for the STAR Academy interest list!