Additional Services
NWSRA Lending Closet
Hitting the lanes? Borrow specialized equipment, such as:
bowling ramps
five pound bowling balls
guide rails
handle grip bowling ball
A $25.00 refundable deposit is required at pick-up.
Accessible Fitness Centers
Wheelchair accessible exercise machines available at:
Prairie Stone Fitness Center in Hoffman Estates
Accessible Swimming Pools
Individuals should contact the park district facility or NWSRA if use of the lift is needed.
Accessible Golf Carts
Wheelchair accessible golf carts available at:
Free ½ Hour Recreation Counseling
NWSRA staff members are here for you. Schedule a private meeting to discuss recreation and leisure opportunities for your family member.
Speaker’s Bureau
Help us spread the word. NWSRA staff members enjoy speaking with parents, teachers, social service organizations and community groups!
Contact Rachel Hubsch at ext 231, rhubsch@nwsra.org