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Logotipo de Focus On Camps

Campamentos diurnos de verano de la NWSRA

Haz amigos, diviértete, visita nuevos lugares, aprende cosas nuevas, sé incluido y celebra tu vida en los campamentos diurnos de invierno de NWSRA.

¡Consulte las ofertas de campamentos diurnos de verano de 2024 haciendo clic en el folleto de la derecha!

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Kate Moran en .


NIñez temprana

Socialización, desarrollo de habilidades, centrarse en el juego.

Los campamentos para la primera infancia se centran en la mejora de las habilidades sociales, el seguimiento de instrucciones y la independencia. Los campistas explorarán una variedad de experiencias sensoriales, interactividad con la naturaleza y juego organizado a través de excursiones, actividades grupales y logro de metas durante todo el verano. Para obtener más información sobre los programas de Primera Infancia, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para enviarnos un correo electrónico o llame al 847-392-2848.

Tameka señalando foto
Logotipo de pequeños brotes


Eric saltando

Promover la identidad propia, el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades y la continuación de las habilidades aprendidas.

Los campamentos para jóvenes se centran en el juego cooperativo, las habilidades sociales y la competencia amistosa a través de una variedad de actividades. ¡Los campistas participarán en experiencias únicas, incluidos proyectos STEM, juegos sensoriales y más! Para obtener más información sobre los programas para jóvenes, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para enviarnos un correo electrónico o llame al 847-392-2848.

Logotipo de los Conquistadores
Logotipo del campamento High Five
Conexiones de campamento


Los campamentos para adolescentes se centran en la mejora continua de las habilidades, la retribución a la comunidad y la búsqueda activa de los propios intereses individuales. ¡La aventura espera a través de viajes por toda la comunidad, mejorando la experiencia de vida de los campistas cada día! Para obtener más información sobre los programas para adolescentes, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para enviarnos un correo electrónico o llame al 847-392-2848.

Promover el servicio comunitario, la independencia y las habilidades sociales.

Baloncesto Norberto
Logotipo de la Voyager
Conexiones de campamento
Campamento de maravillas

Campamentos del distrito escolar:

Logotipo de Primera Infancia del Distrito 54
Logotipo del Distrito 54
Logotipo del Distrito 15

Formato de campamento

  • Ubicaciones norte y sur

  • Media hora más, jornada de 6 horas

  • 5 semanas de duración

  • Opción de registro semanal

  • Rangos de edad más pequeños

  • Superposición en rangos de edad


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Perfil del campamento diurno

Conoce a Olivia y Wayde

De la mamá de Olivia y Wayde:

Our children, Olivia and Wayde have Developmental Disabilities as well as Autism. In Summer 2016, my husband Brandon and I signed them up for the NWSRA Little Sprouts Day Camp. Before their participation in NWSRA, we had tried play groups and a preschool program. The play groups were okay, but it worked mainly because I was there to help push the interaction with others. At the preschool program, Olivia would sit and cry, wouldn’t move from the door, would sit under tables and hide. At some points she would hold my leg so tightly that I would lose a shoe trying to leave the classroom.

When we started NWSRA it opened a whole new world to them. They felt like there were others they could relate to. During the first week of Summer Day Camp, we noticed the change. In the past we have always had the screaming, crying, throwing themselves on the ground type of experiences in anything we did with the kids. After the first week, we all were walking into camp and Wayde saw one of his favorite counselors, Ms. Katie. Wayde literally went running to see Ms. Katie and began hugging her. Brandon and I just stood there in the hallway in amazement. In that same week, Olivia did the same thing. She went into camp, gave kisses and let us go without any tears, no leg hugging and was often times sad when camp ended.

From the trips, to learning independence, the transformation was simply amazing. Something so simple as taking them to the grocery, to the car wash, to visit family during my father’s funeral, I can honestly say NWSRA played a major part in how our lives have run smoother.

It is so mind blowing how they improved their interaction with others due to NWSRA programs. Wayde and Olivia would run from others and were afraid because they didn’t know how to respond or react. Even when others have not been so nice because they don’t understand what makes them a little different, our kids have learned to brush it off and exude that confidence that they did not have before. When we do activities outside the home, such as going to the aquatic park, they now go full speed ahead.

The experience this organization has given our children literally has brought me to tears. To see their faces light up when we say “We’re thinking of sending you back, do you want to go?” is purely priceless. The staff and volunteers are amazing, and we look forward to what this summer will bring and what new little person will transform before our very eyes. NWSRA is like no organization I have ever seen. I have worked with children and adults with special needs throughout my life and I truly think that what NWSRA and their staff does ensure that families like mine can give our children opportunities that they otherwise would not have had. NWSRA has brought out the very best, most beautiful things in our children and we are blessed beyond measure. We truly do think the world of NWSRA, and I wish that everyone has the opportunity to have this same experience.

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