Fair Play at NWSRA
NWSRA is committed to making safety an integral part of an enjoyable recreation and leisure experience for all participants. Each participant shall have the opportunity to enjoy NWSRA programs and services, or if desired, programs and services provided by an NWSRA member district. NWSRA and its member districts take great pride in providing recreation and leisure services and opportunities to persons with special needs, and are mutually and or individually committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The FAIR PLAY AT NWSRA process cannot be considered absolute; but shall serve as a frame of reference for evaluation of specific proposals and recommendations.
FAIR PLAY AT NWSRA is a process which NWSRA uses to make recreation & leisure programs and services safe for all participants, staff & community members. FAIR PLAY AT NWSRA sets out the NWSRA expectations for the conduct of participants with or without disabilities, in recreation & leisure programs, or access to a service provided by NWSRA.
NWSRA participants are expected to abide by the Behavior Code of Conduct at all times. The following Behavior Code of Conduct for all participants has been developed to make NWSRA programs safe, enjoyable and successful for all parties involved. Additional expectations may be developed for particular programs and services as deemed necessary by the NWSRA staff. The Behavior Code of Conduct extends to all parties in attendance of NWSRA programs in any capacity. The Behavior Code of Conduct requires all participants to:
Show respect to all participants, staff and members of the public
Refrain from unwanted and/or harmful physical contact
Refrain from using abusive, threatening or foul language
Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities
Remain within the established program boundaries