NWSRA is committed to promoting awareness of legislative issues that affect the families it serves. Through this Advocacy page, NWSRA will share information pertinent to many issues on local and statewide levels. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Draper at 847-392-2848, ext. 263 or e-mail tdraper@nwsra.org.
Transportation Needs, Accommodations and Obstacles
Fostering open dialogue with Legislators is important, helping to create an environment of understanding and empathy toward the needs of the constituents. Following is a link to a search tool that allows you to enter your home address and access contact information for your Legislators. This tool is hosted by Illinoispolicy.org and is in no way affiliated with NWSRA programs and services.
Contact Your Representatives
Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA) has partnered with Connect to Community to assess transportation needs, accommodations & obstacles throughout the northwest suburbs of Chicago. This survey will help to provide valuable insight to decision-makers throughout our area regarding your transportation needs. Make your voice heard!